Wednesday, January 4, 2023

what is simple gematria?

Gematria is a system of assigning numerical values to words and phrases. It is one of the key numerical systems used in ancient Jewish mysticism to uncover hidden meanings of Scripture. Gematria is based upon the letters of the Hebrew alphabet, which are each assigned numerical values from 1-400. It is also used in some branches of Kabbalah and other mystical traditions.

The most simple form of gematria, called mispar gadol ("great number"), assigns numerical values for each Hebrew letter based on its position in the alphabet, where aleph = 1, bet – 2, etc.) A variant on mispar gadol called mispar katan ("initial number") assigns each letter a value based on its initial sound.

In most forms of Judaism and among non-Jewish mystics, gematria is primarily used as an interpretive tool to uncover secret meanings embedded in texts and scriptures. Practitioners believe that each word has a hidden meaning hidden behind it and by looking at the numerical value, they can obtain insight into what that meaning might be. Gematria is sometimes used as a form of divination or fortune-telling to gain insight into events yet to come.

Besides being used for divinatory purposes there are other ways this system is employed: Some Jews employ the number 72 (chai) as a way of expressing good will and blessing; others choose four-letter words with numerical values that total 730 (which indicates judgment).

Gemtria practice has also been embraced by some Christian sects as well as some Hermetic and occult circles who use it for decoding hidden meanings within texts or just as an exercise to observe how numbers signify different concepts or themes within Scripture or popular writings. In addition, many modern day practitioners incorporate gematriacal practices into their own spiritual practices such as affirmations and creative visualization exercises.

See more about simple gematria

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